

Course in Verifying the Correct Use of Adrenaline Injector Devices

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This course is designed to empower nominated Victorian school staff with essential Anaphylaxis skills and knowledge.

They'll learn how to verify that individuals who've completed the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) Anaphylaxis e-training for Victorian Schools can correctly use adrenaline injector devices. Participants will become proficient in confirming the accurate use of all adrenaline injector devices prescribed in the ASCIA e-training, ensuring compliance with Australian standards and enhancing safety measures in school environments.

More information coming soon.
More information coming soon.
More information coming soon.

Your team will gain the knowledge to:

  • Understand the importance of administering adrenaline promptly during anaphylaxis.
  • Learn how to use adrenaline injector devices as per ASCIA Action Plans and First Aid Plans.
  • Recognise the significance of cultural sensitivity and equity in verification activities.
  • Identify the necessary resources for conducting verification tasks.
  • Understand the components and functions of approved adrenaline injector devices available in Australia.
  • Learn the checks required to ensure the suitability of adrenaline injector devices.
  • Understand the correct positioning of casualties and administrators during anaphylaxis management.
  • Know the correct procedures for placing and activating adrenaline injector devices.
  • Be familiar with the proper protocols for handling used adrenaline injector devices.
  • Understand the recording and reporting requirements for verification activities.

They will practice:

  • Planning and organising verification activities, including resource collection and application of necessary tools and processes.
  • Observing and verifying the candidate's performance effectively.
  • Providing constructive feedback and communicating outcomes appropriately to individuals and workplace culture.
  • Using appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication to create a supportive verification environment.
  • Reading and interpreting relevant information, preparing documentation, and recording verification activities accurately per organisational requirements.
More information coming soon.
More information coming soon.
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Online Learning
Reduced Classroom Time


All face-to-face

Prac Lab

Valid For

3 years


On request
  • Nationally Recognised
  • Minimum of 10 learners per booking.

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